The Korean Association of Language Sciences

전국우수 학회와 맞먹는 연구성과를 위해 학술대회와 편집/심사기능을 보다 강화하겠습니다.


pISSN: 1225-2522

언어과학, Vol.30 (2023)

DOI : 10.14384/kals.2023.30.1.175

(Non-)symmetrical Derivation of [IO-DO-V] Word Order DOC Type : German and Korean

Ick-Hee Ihm

(Shinhan University/Academic Research Professor)

German can undergo word order change into [IO-DO-V] in double object construction(DOC), and Korean also can. However, two languages exhibit different typological properties and derivation aspects in this word order type. The purpose of this paper is to argue the followings: First, in terms of typology, whereas German is a language with a variety of DOCs, Korean is one with highly limited DOCs. Second, whereas the [IO-DO-V] word order DOC type of German is derived by ‘a prior V raising plus remant vP or ApplP topicalization’ mechanism depending on syntactic environments, that of Korean by scrambling. Third, the [IO-DO-V] word order DOC type of Korean has a constraint by which an unsaturated function cannot be scrambled.
  이중 목적어 구문,[간접목적어-직접 목적어-동사] 어순,잔여이동,어 순 썩기,의미적 완전성,함수 항목 충족

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