The Korean Association of Language Sciences

전국우수 학회와 맞먹는 연구성과를 위해 학술대회와 편집/심사기능을 보다 강화하겠습니다.


pISSN: 1225-2522

언어과학, Vol.30 (2023)

DOI : 10.14384/kals.2023.30.1.123

「한국어 기초 사전」의 ‘주제 및 상황 범주별’ 어휘 목록의 실제성 검증 연구 : 일기예보 말뭉치에 대한 ‘날씨와 계절’, ‘기후’, ‘지리정보’ 어휘 목록의 어휘 텍스트 점유율 분석을 중심으로



The purpose of this paper is to verify practicality of the vocabulary lists of “weather and season”, “climate”, and “geographical information” among the vocabulary lists classified by “thema and situation category” provided by Korean Basic Dictionary. For this purpose, this paper constructs a 2021 weather forecast corpus with a size of 13,409 words, and then, targeting the lexical voacbulary, analyzes the lexical text coverage of vocabulary lists of “weather and season”, “climate”, and “geographical information” for the weather forecast corpus. Among 290 vocabularies of “weather and season”, “climate”, and “geographical information”, 122 vocabularies appear more than once in the weather forecast corpus. 122 vocabularies account for 9.0% of types and 21.2% of tokens of lexical vocabularies appearing in the weather forecast corpus. This figure is far short of 95%, which is the minimum lexical text coverage required for foreign learners to understand spoken text in the target language. Therefore, this paper proposes to reinforce the size of vocabulary list classified by “thema and situation category” of Korean Basic Dictionary above all, and suggests to correct the incorrectly included words in the list, and to upgrade the search system to enable bi-directional search. This study is meaningful in that it empirically verifies the relationship between texts closely related to real life and information provided by learners' dictionary.
  주제별 어휘 목록,학습사전,일기예보 말뭉치,어휘 텍스트 점유율,어휘 교육,외국어로서의 한국어 교육

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