The Korean Association of Language Sciences

전국우수 학회와 맞먹는 연구성과를 위해 학술대회와 편집/심사기능을 보다 강화하겠습니다.


pISSN: 1225-2522

언어과학, Vol.30 (2023)

DOI : 10.14384/kals.2023.30.1.065

‘이다’의 남북한 통합 문법범주 설정에 대한 연구


(연세대학교 국어국문학과/박사후연구원)

The purpose of this study is to reconsider the grammar category of "ida" by comprehensively checking the partal setting of "Ida" discussed in North and South Korea after examining the process of establishing "Ida" in North Korean grammar. In North Korea, 'Ida' was set as bakkumto(바꿈토) with '-(u)m',' and '-ki', and in South Korea, it was set as a predicative case marker. There is a similarity in North and South Korea in that the grammar category of 'Ida' is set to maintain system consistency with sentence components. However, setting "Ida" as bakkumto or a predicative case marker has problems. In this paper, it is discussed that it would be better to set it as a "dependent (assisted) adjective" according to the typological view, morphological and syntactic characteristics.
  이다,바꿈토,서술격 조사,계사,의존(보조)형용사,북한 문법

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