The Korean Association of Language Sciences

전국우수 학회와 맞먹는 연구성과를 위해 학술대회와 편집/심사기능을 보다 강화하겠습니다.


pISSN: 1225-2522

언어과학, Vol.30 (2023)

DOI : 10.14384/kals.2023.30.2.025

중국어 재귀사 ‘ziji’의 인칭 제약에 대한 재고찰 : 통사적 접근 방식을 중심으로


(부산대 언어정보학과/조교수)


(한국외대 외국어교육연구소/초빙연구원)

In the linguistics literature, it has been generally agreed that long-distance binding of ziji becomes unavailable if a 1st/2nd person blocker is employed: 1st/2nd person blocking effects. Recently, it turns out that several linguistic factors may give an influence to this effect; hence non-cannonical patterns arise. Focusing on the Agree-based analysis, this paper discusses how those patterns can be explained in a unified way. Especially, we examine the nature of several unexpected patterns by pursuing answers to the questions like (i) why a significant number of Chinese speakers appears not to be sensitive to such blocking, or (ii) why an opposite pattern is even observed given that ziji resists to be co-indexed with a 1st/2nd person non-local antecedent. Concomitantly, it is briefly discussed how discourse-based approaches can be collaborated with the syntactic approaches.
  (SE/SELF-)재귀사,담화대용어,1/2인칭 차단 효과,인칭-격 제약

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