The Korean Association of Language Sciences

전국우수 학회와 맞먹는 연구성과를 위해 학술대회와 편집/심사기능을 보다 강화하겠습니다.


pISSN: 1225-2522

언어과학, Vol.26 (2019)

DOI : 10.14384/kals.2019.26.2.025

꿈과 언어 - 비논리적인 꿈, 비정상적인 사고와 언어의 관계에 관한 연구


(부산대학교 영어영문학과 박사졸업생)

Why do we dream things that are illogical? This article tries to give an answer to this question. Based on the un-Cartesian hypothesis (Hinzen, 2017), one might say that we speak, therefore we think like this. However, once this linguistic ability has been affected by some sorts of mental disability, one cannot think normally. Seeing that the illogical dreams and abnormal thoughts have similar contents, this article suggests that these two might be the results of one cause: the lack of regulation made by one’s world view. This world view regulates the highly productive linguistic construction building ability. When dreaming and during certain mental illnesses, this regulation does not seem to work properly, causing to freely produce structures which are illogical and abnormal, and this is the main reason why we dream illogical things and think abnormally. This article also suggests that phases (DP, CP, vP) are the crucial points which regulate the production. Children’s cognitive development process and the characteristics of lucid dreaming are in line with this view.
  국면,꿈,세계관,자각몽,지시성,내포성,Un-Cartesian 가설

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